Sunday, December 20, 2009

Artsy Fartsy

Well.. It was a long wonderful semester and boy did I get to create! I registured in a sculpture class last minute when a girl I met told me she had gone in it and quite enjoyed it. I had memories come back from my very first semester of University way back in 2001 and the scary clay clown and other horrid "sculptures" I created. But I figured what the heck.

We learned a technique called lost sand casting, it was quite the process and I could go into detail but.... it's quite the process... so here are some of my results.
The corn and Gourd


This is a recreation of "The vielded and Masked Dancer" from the ancient Greece. She began as clay, and then was covered with a silicon mold and made into plaster and finally aluminum. She by far took me the longest, and was made for my Art History class, but gained me some major bonus points in Sculpture too. And last but not least my mountain. Originally carved from a block of plaster. *This is before I buffed and sanded it, it is much smoother and nicer now.

I thought I would include one of the process, these are sandcasted boxes, the mold is made inside originally with the item or shape you want to make, alluminum is melted in the cursavul (the round large pot looking thing) and then poured into the boxes. Quite amazing really.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Every Thursday my Media friend Brandon brings me a copy of the University paper so I can read the TLF's (Three Lines Free). I always hoped to be reading and realize someone wrote about me, not that I needed someone to declare there love for me or anything (it happens alot, and is usually about a guy wearing D&G glasses), but maybe someone would write and Thank me for a smile, or make fun of me for falling up the stairs yet again.. Well today I was reading and it happened! A TLF about me. I had to read it a few times to make sure it was actually me and I was reading right.. and Yup.. It was definatly me! Teehee... so here it is.

To the girl in the library (Nov.24) wearing a bright pink hoodie that forgot her green jacket asking about class reserves: if I wasn't totally intimidated by your good looks (or if I had any guts at all) I would have definitely asked you out for a coffee. Just thought you should know!

Awww... Blush blush. My semester is complete!

Sorry about the lack of blogging, I have a handful of excuses I swear.