Monday, July 6, 2009

Finders Keepers??

Today at Supa-wal-tastic Land I found 20$...
I was in line at a cashier waiting for them to get a price check on a vacuum when I noticed that one of the self check-outs behind me was open. So I picked up my ironing board and Shamwow's and headed on over. Just as I was about to finish checking-out I noticed 20$ sitting in the slot (obviously someone chose cash back and forgot). I immediately went to tell the young worker standing guard, but than I thought "What is he going to do with it?" I highly doubt someone would come back to see if someone turned in a 20$ bill, and the person who had checked out from that machine was long gone, in fact in the time I was there I didn't see anyone at that machine... So I kept it... Eeekkkk I felt a little bad.
Finders Keepers Losers Weepers??


  1. losa's.... weepa's.
    Score for you - I'm sure you have lost a dime or two that has been picked up by another unfortunate soul!

  2. I always feel so bad, but so excited all at the same time when I find moola! I was in Chinook and I noticed something sweep up on the floor by the man walkin in front of me "oh my gosh he dropped something" well it was like $150 bones, I ran up to him and asked if he dropped moola, he looked confused, seen the wad " oh yeah I must of" arrrgg last time I be honest with that! I am still livid 2 years later!!!!

  3. Oh man...guess it beats to be honest sometimes. Yeash.. He probably thought he scored! I always feel funny picking up money too!
    And it's true steph, I have lots a dime or two.. but never a wad of money.. chaching!
