Sunday, December 20, 2009

Artsy Fartsy

Well.. It was a long wonderful semester and boy did I get to create! I registured in a sculpture class last minute when a girl I met told me she had gone in it and quite enjoyed it. I had memories come back from my very first semester of University way back in 2001 and the scary clay clown and other horrid "sculptures" I created. But I figured what the heck.

We learned a technique called lost sand casting, it was quite the process and I could go into detail but.... it's quite the process... so here are some of my results.
The corn and Gourd


This is a recreation of "The vielded and Masked Dancer" from the ancient Greece. She began as clay, and then was covered with a silicon mold and made into plaster and finally aluminum. She by far took me the longest, and was made for my Art History class, but gained me some major bonus points in Sculpture too. And last but not least my mountain. Originally carved from a block of plaster. *This is before I buffed and sanded it, it is much smoother and nicer now.

I thought I would include one of the process, these are sandcasted boxes, the mold is made inside originally with the item or shape you want to make, alluminum is melted in the cursavul (the round large pot looking thing) and then poured into the boxes. Quite amazing really.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Every Thursday my Media friend Brandon brings me a copy of the University paper so I can read the TLF's (Three Lines Free). I always hoped to be reading and realize someone wrote about me, not that I needed someone to declare there love for me or anything (it happens alot, and is usually about a guy wearing D&G glasses), but maybe someone would write and Thank me for a smile, or make fun of me for falling up the stairs yet again.. Well today I was reading and it happened! A TLF about me. I had to read it a few times to make sure it was actually me and I was reading right.. and Yup.. It was definatly me! Teehee... so here it is.

To the girl in the library (Nov.24) wearing a bright pink hoodie that forgot her green jacket asking about class reserves: if I wasn't totally intimidated by your good looks (or if I had any guts at all) I would have definitely asked you out for a coffee. Just thought you should know!

Awww... Blush blush. My semester is complete!

Sorry about the lack of blogging, I have a handful of excuses I swear.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why today was Wonderful

*~ My old roommate and fabulous friend Elisa came for a visit with her adorable son Jack.
(It's been SIX years.)
*~ I found Dallas TWO pairs of shorts for $21.00 Wahoo!
*~ I finally caved and bought flowers at Wallyworld..... FOR 1$$
*~ I took down our backyard Jungle
*~ I dubbed the backyard Jungle a "Man's Job" but I did whippersnip 90% of it.
*~ I planted my awesome new flowers, and made my rock boarder.
*~ I took some of Mother Nature that was about to be destroyed and planted it in my yard..
The Results!
Did I mention I got FREE grass July 4th??I will take a better picture later it was getting dark out, but there she is.. looking all Puuuurrrrty
~ Meow~

Monday, July 6, 2009

Finders Keepers??

Today at Supa-wal-tastic Land I found 20$...
I was in line at a cashier waiting for them to get a price check on a vacuum when I noticed that one of the self check-outs behind me was open. So I picked up my ironing board and Shamwow's and headed on over. Just as I was about to finish checking-out I noticed 20$ sitting in the slot (obviously someone chose cash back and forgot). I immediately went to tell the young worker standing guard, but than I thought "What is he going to do with it?" I highly doubt someone would come back to see if someone turned in a 20$ bill, and the person who had checked out from that machine was long gone, in fact in the time I was there I didn't see anyone at that machine... So I kept it... Eeekkkk I felt a little bad.
Finders Keepers Losers Weepers??

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our Crew

We took the dogs on a strole the other day to the
off leash dog park down the coolies from our home.
Tinkerbell was stylin' in her I (heart) Dad sweater.
Roxy had a blast swimming in the River.
Tink stayed on the shore and barked at Roxy everytime she
tried to come back on the land. Tink may have a wee bit
of a jealous problem.

It was a great night, but there was a crap load of bugs!

If you look close in this picture all the little specks in the back ground

are large marge flying machines!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Small Cute and Tasty

I don't know what it is... but when you cut up a licorice into bite size pieces, it just tastes that much better. Mmm.. Nibs.. One of my favorites.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


If dirt was clear maybe I would be less impatient...
I just dug up a potato. I was just curious to see if it was growing... and I am happy to announce it is!! I may have hit it a little bit with my shovel but I was trying to be careful, like I was on a dinosaur dig or something equally as cool, but instead of finding a T-Rex, it was just a sprouting potato. (Just as exciting right?!)
Now I will admit, this isn't the only thing I have dug up to check up on. I frequently moved the dirt where my now sprouting sunflower is growing, and checked on a bean or two, and maybe a few peas. I just can't help it!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

She's a Beauty

She may not be a fancy Kitchen-aid
but i love her just the same.

Oh... did I mention she only cost me 5$

and thats including the fantastic mugs I got too!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hoping it grows!

I was determined to have a garden this year~
So far I have planted
3 Sunflowers
and a back yard FULL of potatoes (SERIOUS)
My Tomatos and cucumbers are still in my window waiting to make sure Old Man Frost is done! And I am hoping to get a Raspberry bush from a new friends farm. YUmMy

Now I just have to be patient and wait... Grow Garden Grow!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I thought when I got my own home my mind would be flooded with ideas and colors and designs I would want to do... But instead the thought of painting scares me, my walls are still bare, and my old art looks drab, and boring, and I don't know where to put ANYTHING!
Unpacking has become a slow and painful process, when I get home from work, I dottle around and don't do much, even with Dallas telling me I can't buy anything until all the boxes are unpacked (you think that would have encouraged me?!)~
The basement still remains untouched, but that is probably because Dallas claims it to be his territory. I told him he could decorate the garage... the garage that is not yet build Ha~ Kidding... kinda, but he isn't doing it alone... One because I am scared of what my basement will become, and Two I refuse to have tacky sports things on my walls... Classy stuff ok... but absolutely No tacky Maple Leaf things... Bleh~

I need your HELP!! I need ideas, websites, pictures.... ANYTHING to get my mind going.
Until than I will continue hummin' and hawwin', tootling and dawdling...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Another adventure together

We must miss the wind in our hair cause we are moving back!~
Lethbridge Alberta the windest city in Canada (or so I think), but it's a small exchange for leaving the hus and fus of Calgary the crazy city we called home, and the little Truck stop known as Strathmore Alberta.
Here we are on our way...

I love Dallas's dirt moustache in this picture. He comes home from work with one daily.
~It's newfarific~
And here she is..
Our New Home

Ain't she ppurrtttyyy.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Britney Bound
And totally stoked

Friday, March 27, 2009

What to wear?

I don't know about you, but getting dressed is one of the hardest things I do in a day... okay maybe not the hardest. But it is very important that it reflects how I feel that day, and this means I can change a billion times in one morning or afternoon, or maybe I will even switch up what I am wearing half way through. Early mornings though, blah~ I am not a morning person and at 8am I really don't care how I look just that I want to be in bed. (I am trying to get better).
I never remember it being "normal" for a sweater to cost 80 bucks or a pair of Jeans for 200 (which I refuse to do.. but dang there cute!) So I have decided to resort back to my old ways, and will only buy things on sale! If you look hard enough you will find awesome deals, Yes it has it's major downsides like sometimes there isn't your size, and you have to risk not being able to get something super cute! Which is why we must always "treat" ourselves to that cute coat, or that really nice pair of shoes once in a while. It always feels good to find a good bargin though, like the other day I bought four new pairs of shoes for 8$, now if that snow would just melt! I am sure they will not last the longest but they sure are cute, and the price was definatly right.
Another One of my favorite things is good ol' hand-me-downs.I LOVE loVE LoVe LoooVVvvvEEE them!! Especially when you have a wicked sister who passes them down to you. and it just so happens that god decided to make us the same size minus the legs and the feet but nothing a few pairs of socks and a sewing machine can't fix.
So cheers to cute shoes, funky earings, great cloths and Fabulous sisters! And Spring~ Hopefully it will be here soon~

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

~I hope your day felt extra lucky~
And if you didn't wear green you got a pinch.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th 2009

Oooohhh Friday the 13th twice in a row, this only happens every 11 years, and in fact 2009 has 3 Friday the 13th's, our last is November 13th. So far this year my days have not been unlucky, but I guess that is what you consider lucky.
Today Dallas was leaving Kindersley behind schedule of course, and before they got to far they realized they had a hole in their tire, while getting it fixed they discovered another hole!! They could of gotten stuck in the middle of nowhere (aka Saskatchewan) with 2 flats and a trailer behind them. Two holes in your tire, Lucky or Unlucky?
I figure in spirit of Friday the 13th I would celebrate and find some fun facts, Gotta love Google, enjoy !

*In ancient Rome, witches reportedly gathered in groups of 12. The 13th was believed to be the devil.
*Judas, was the apostle who betrayed Jesus, he was the 13th guest to the Last Supper"
* More than 80 percent of high-rise buildings lack a 13th floor. Many airports skip the 13th gate and Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room number 13.
*On streets in Florence, Italy, the house between number 12 and 14 is addressed as 12 1/2.

~Happy Friday the 13th, make sure to stay out of a black cat's path, away from latter's, and don't drop that mirror.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I must look like the housecoat wearing type of person, because for some reason I always recieve them as gifts. I have recieved three housecoats in the past three years, and as much as I want to wear them, I just don't like them. YeS! I finally said it. I don't like housecoats, I don't really get what to use them for? Am I suppose to use them as a towel when I get out of the shower? Over top of my pajamas? Or rock it with my birthday suit? Maybe I will understand when I am a parent, cause mine rocked them all the time.
I just don't get it.
So if it is between buying me a housecoat or a towel next year, go with the towel, I will for sure use it everyday!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lost in Blogging space

This Blogging really stumps me.
I am sure I will s-l-o-w-l-y get better.
I have made at least 3 blog sites I swear. I just don't get it!
bahaha... HELP!